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On Wednesday June 17, 2020, the water service on portions of College Avenue, Elm Street, and the connected streets will be temporarily shut off starting at approximately 7:00 pm as part of the water main replacement project on Main Street.  Water service will be restored as quickly as possible, with the goal of having service restored by 5:00 am on Thursday, June 18th.

A map of the properties anticipated to be affected by the shutdown is attached.

When water service is restored, you may experience air in your water lines and/or discolored (rusty) water. These are normal occurrences during a water shut off and usually only last for a matter of minutes. The water quality should return to normal by allowing your cold-water (preferably using an outside hose connection or your bathtub faucet) to run for a short while.

During water outages there is a potential for electric hot water heaters to drain. Therefore, the Kennebec Water District recommends that the electric power to electric hot water heaters be turned off.

Prior to the water shut off, the Kennebec Water District recommends you store some water for drinking and cooking purposes in clean storage containers. Water for other purposes, such as washing or bathing, may be temporarily stored in a bathtub.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this shutdown.  Thank you for your patience as we perform this necessary work maintain to upgrade our water distribution network. If you have any questions, please contact Kennebec Water District’s business office at 872-2763 from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm on Mondays through Fridays.