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KWD will be flushing fire hydrants September 30th through October 25th | KWD is proposing rate increases for 2025 and 2026. More Info


2020 Main Replacement Package: North Street, Middle Street, and China Road

The Kennebec Water District is requesting sealed proposals for furnishing and installing one thousand and seven hundred feet (1700) feet of 12 inch cement lined ductile iron water main, and associated services and hydrants be installed within North and Middle Streets in Waterville and three thousand (3000) feet of 8 inch cement lined ductile iron water main and associated services and hydrants be installed with China Road in Winslow. Complete bids shall be received by the Kennebec Water District at the office of the General Manager, 6 Cool Street in Waterville, until 2:00 p.m., on March 17, 2020 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

Plans and specifications are available in digital format at no cost by contacting with the firm name and contact information.